For the second time, TCA is introducing Learn + Go, 20-minute educational sessions from the exhibit floor with focused and timely information applicable to every carrier.
Monday, March 25
The Risk of Overlooking Driver Safety
presented by Solera Fleet Solutions
1:30 P.M. - 2:00 P.M.
The growing exposure to Risk and Driver Safety within the commercial fleet industry continues to heighten. It has become increasingly difficult for commercial fleets to identify and take action with employees demonstrating risky and unsafe behavior. Identification of risky and unsafe behavior is the most crucial, first step in developing and maintaining a safe environment.
Adam Danielson
Director, Business Development & Sales
Solera Fleet Solutions
Leverage the Untapped Potential of Technology:
How a Multigenerational Family-Owned Trucking Business Achieved Exceptional Growth
presented by PCS Software
2:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Uncover real-world insights through a compelling customer case study featuring Munoz Trucking, showcasing how strategic technology adoption propelled this multigenerational family-owned business to growth. From leveraging data analytics to making better decisions to using mobile apps to increase driver satisfaction, this presentation illustrates how Munoz Trucking embraced technology to enhance operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. Dive into the success story of Munoz Trucking and discover how integrating technology can not only streamline operations but also drive business expansion. Join us for a fascinating session that reveals the untapped potential of technology in transforming your carrier business and securing a competitive edge in the evolving industry landscape. Don't miss this opportunity to learn and grow with practical insights from a real-world success story.
Alan Shaw
Chief Customer Officer
PCS Software
Soledad Munoz
Vice President of Operations
Munoz Trucking, Inc.
Best Practices When Rolling Out Video to Your Fleet
presented by Trimble Transportation
2:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
It’s no question that safety is the number one value of every trucking company. The question is how can I ensure that my fleet is the safest it can be? Video Intelligence is an integral part of keeping drivers and the motoring public safe, while reducing costs associated with accidents, making it a valuable asset to any fleet. In this session, Gary Falldin will outline the top three best practices when rolling out video within fleets.
Gary Falldin
Senior Director of Industry Solutions
Trimble Transportation
Randy Luckow
VP of Safety
Dart Transit
State of Safety - The Cost Center Misconception
presented by Motive
3:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
95% of fleets believe safety is a priority. But is that really true? We surveyed more than 1,100 businesses to understand how fleets think about safety and what they’re doing to improve it.
The data is clear: Organizations that choose not to invest in safety are losing across the board. This multi-industry study reveals that many fleets still view safety as a cost center, even though recent research proves otherwise.
Gary Johnson
Head of Safety & Compliance
Jeff Reeves
General Manager and Safety Director
Fortune Transportation
Tuesday, March 26
How to Use Gamification for Tool Adoption & Positive Cashflow
presented by DDC FPO
12:00 p.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Technologies with lofty promises have asserted themselves into trucking operations. You pay for a new tool or application to reap the rewards, but poor adoption results in disappointing outcomes. Enter: The power of gamification. By gamifying key processes within and around your new investment, you’ll achieve full adoption among staff, stronger operational performance, and a faster, positive cashflow. Using real-life examples, tech adoption expert and DDC FPO’s Head of Customer Success Matt Trevalyan teaches you how in this 30-minute session that you do not want to miss!
Matt Trevalyan
Head of Customer Success
Automating Performance Coaching and Gamifying Driver Safety
presented by Netradyne
12:30 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Fast-track the development of a positive fleet safety culture with cutting-edge technology. Improve driver performance and satisfaction without adding staff.
Learn how gamifying driver safety can encourage drivers to improve and maintain good driving habits while simultaneously reducing the need for managers to coach drivers face-to-face.
Jill Maschmeier
Director of Safety
National Carriers
Adam Kahn
Vice President, Fleets
Protecting Your Company in a Cargo Theft Crisis: Red Flags of a Cargo Theft Scam
presented by USI Insurance Services LLC
1:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Cargo Theft incidents increased by over 200% in 2023. Trucking Companies, Freight Brokers and their shippers have suffered losses of long-time customers and hundreds of millions of dollars from a new generation of Cargo Thieves, who have figured out that stealing Cargo is much less risky than robbing a bank, and 10X easier. The scariest part: these thieves are stealing millions of dollars’ worth of cargo without ever leaving their desks. And the criminal networks they’re involved with are growing more sophisticated every day.
How do they do it?
In this brief session we will walk through a real-life example of one of these criminal networks being caught red-handed with a load of stolen cargo. Given the presenters’ unique vantage points from the insurance & claims perspectives, the audience will see how a Cargo insurance company was able to track down a stolen shipment before it disappeared forever.
We will show you the text messages from the criminals, the fake BOL’s, the camera footage, and share a success story of a Cargo insurance company’s cargo-theft recovery unit stopping a heist in real-time. This will provide a lesson for the audience about the red-flags to be on the lookout for to prevent Cargo Theft. This is vitally important for Motor Carriers to learn right now because any trucking company in America could become a victim of these sophisticated criminal schemes – if they don’t know what to look out for.
Tyler Rex
Vice President
USI Insurance Services LLC
Chris Montez
Underwriting Director
US Marine Insurance Group
Navigating the Road Ahead: Enhancing Safety Through Innovative Technology
presented by Tenstreet
1:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Join us for an engaging and informative session where industry leaders delve into the intersection of safety and technology in the transportation sector.
Tenstreet, a leading software company, collaborates with Graig Morin from Brown Dog Carriers & Logistics, a client benefiting from their innovative safety software. Discover how the collaboration between cutting-edge technology and proactive safety measures enhances operational efficiency, mitigates risks, and promotes a culture of safety within carriers. Gain valuable insights into real-world applications, success stories, and best practices for leveraging technology to elevate safety standards.